Upcoming Events
Official 2024 Forbes Summit Partner
The dream began in my backyard in 2014. What began as an idea, became a way of life. What became a way of life, turned into a vibe that everyone was able to feel.


I might not know much, but I know STEAK, and Jack Arnold has cooked me some of the best steaks I've ever eaten. And I've eaten a lot of them.
Jocko Willink, @jockowillink

Jack came and grilled for the family. The food was insane. Best steak I’ve had. He needs a Michelin star! But more than the food— jack is a great human that has become a close friend
Patrick Schwarzenegger, @patrickschwarzenegger

Jack has been a friend of the brand for years and has done several events for CUTS. His energy and enthusiasm toward the events is unmatched. His infectous spirit lifts those around him and everyone around him has a great time. He’s also a great cook. Every time I eat one of his steaks, I go, “this is insane” he’s a world class chef.
Steven Borelli, CEO of CUTS

I had the privilege to host an event with Jack this past year and he did not disappoint! I believe hospitality and a love for food and beverage is something that's in your DNA, and the passion Jack has is unrivaled. The energy, the vibe, the interaction with our guests, and of course the food was outstanding. Not just an event, but an experience. Looking forward to the next one.